Adding RPL

To enable RPL, one of the following feature flags must be enabled:

  • rpl-mop-0: Enables RPL in only mainting upward routes mode (MOP0);
  • rpl-mop-1: Enables RPL in non-storing mode (MOP1);
  • rpl-mop-2: Enables RPL in storing mode (MOP2);
  • rpl-mop-3: Enables RPL in storing mode with multicast (MOP3).

When enabling one of these feature flags, it is required to add a RPL configuration to the the interface.

fn main() {
use smoltcp::iface::{Interface, Config, RplConfig, RplModeOfOperation};

let mut config = Config::new(mac_addr.into());
config.rpl = RplConfig::new(RplModeOfOperation::StoringMode);

For a RPL root node, the root configuration must be added:

fn main() {
let mut config = Config::new(mac_addr.into());
config.rpl = RplConfig::new(RplModeOfOperation::StoringMode).add_root_config(
        RplInstanceId::new(30),                         // Instance ID
        Ipv6Address::new(0xfd00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),  // DODAG ID

That's it! The interface is now using RPL 🎉