Adding sockets

In the previous section, we created device with an interface. We already used a SocketSet, however, this one was empty. Let's create a TcpSocket and add it to the SocketSet:

fn main() {
let mut sockets = SocketSet::new(vec![]);

let tcp_socket = TcpSocket::new(

let tcp_handle = sockets.add(tcp_socket);

Now, we can use the TcpSocket to connect to a remote host:

fn main() {
let remote_addr = Ipv6Address::new(0xfe80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2);
let remote_port = 4242;
let host_port = 4343;

let socket = socket.get_mut::<tcp::Socket>(tcp_handle);
socket.connect(iface.context(), (remote_addr, remote_port), host_port).unwrap();

The TcpSocket will now try to connect to the remote host. However, we still need to poll the interface to make sure that the TcpSocket can send and receive packets.

fn main() {
loop {
    if let Err(e) = iface.poll(&mut sockets, Instant::now()) {
        println!("Network error: {:?}", e);

The TcpSocket is now ready to send and receive data.

fn main() {
loop {
    if let Err(e) = iface.poll(&mut sockets, Instant::now()) {
        println!("Network error: {:?}", e);

    let mut socket = sockets.get::<TcpSocket>(tcp_handle);
    if !socket.is_open() {
        println!("Connection closed");
    if socket.can_send() {
        socket.send_slice(b"Hello world!").unwrap();
    if socket.can_recv() {
        let data = socket.recv(|data| {
            println!("Received data: {:?}", data);
            (data.len(), data)

Other socket types

The TcpSocket is not the only socket type available. There are also the following types:

  • Dhcpv4Socket: a DHCPv4 client socket;
  • UdpSocket: a UDP socket;
  • DnsSocket: a DNS client socket;
  • IcmpSocket: an ICMP socket. This socket type is used to send and receive ICMP packets and might listen for specific ICMP error messages related to a UDP/TCP port;
  • RawSocket: a raw socket. This socket type is used to send and receive raw packets.

Feature flags

Every socket type requires to enable the corresponding feature.